Annual Meeting and Potluck
February 18, 2006
Getting Down to Business

It was a dark a stormy night -- all good stories start that way. But neither dark nor the winter snow kept the BMCU folks from the annual Potluck Dinner and Business Meeting. And as usual, the food was to die for.

After everyone had a chance to set up their food and fill up their plates, we started the meeting. The first order of business? The board
of governors.

New Board of Governors

An important part of the annual meeting is the elect a Board of Governors for the year. It not only ensures guidance for our club, but
it 's required by our non-profit organization charter.

After three years as Governor General, Gary Lindstrom announced to the group that it was time for him to hand over the leadership to someone else (the next time you see Gary at an event, be sure to thank him for his work as governor). Gary also mentioned that Floyd Inman could no longer continue as the newsletter editor. After these announcements, Gary nominated Mitch Johnson as the next governor, and presented names for the rest of the board. After a final call for nominees, the group quickly agreed with the choices and with a round of applause, the new Board was voted in.

The 2006 BMCU Board of Governors includes:

We still need a volunteer to be the Quartermaster (the one who orders and sells the club regalia).

Club Financial Report

The next order of business was our club financials. Our Chancellor of the Exchequer was unable to attend due to an urgent situation with his family. So, watch the newsletter for a 2005 financial report.

In general, the club is in the "black". But keep in mind that our main expenditure is the monthly newsletter. While some members volunteered to receive the newsletter in an electronic form only, in order to keep our second-class mailing permit, we have to meet the post office's minimum bulk-mail quantity. That means we will continue to mail out most of the newsletters.

Speaking of club financials, if you haven't attended many events during the year or had an opportunity to slip a few dollars into the donation can, feel free to include a check with your annual "keep me on the mailing list" postcard that was attached to the February newsletter. Mitch proposed that we include a small envelope with next year's newsletter, along with the mailing list card, to facilitate club member donations. Since we don't have dues, and would rather not impose them, donations are the only means we have to keep the club running.

Mitch also proposed a 1-page yearly color calendar (in lieu of the color December newsletter) with pictures of the past year's events on the top as a means to help raise funds. One idea was to sell ad space on the calendar to pay for its printing costs and raise funds. Mitch will look into that possibility.

Lucas Calendar

One of the important tasks for the annual meeting is to set the calendar of club events for the year. Having just taken the
governorship for the club, Mitch stepped up and started the discussion. There's lots of events for the year, some of the old
favorites and some new ones , ...just keep in mind that, try as we might, there's always changes as the year progresses, so check the newsletter or website often.

March 11. St. Patty 's Day parade in Salt Lake City. This is a club favorite. Contact Gary Lindstrom at 532-1259 for details.

April 22. Autojumble at Bailey's Service. Never heard of an Autojumble? Just as the name implies, it's a sale for all things car-related--a mix between a museum tour and a yard sale. OK, it 's really a way to clean out our garages. Contact Mark Bradakis at 364-3251 for the details.

May 7. Antelope Island tour. Similar to years past, this is a great local drive. We want to hold this event on a Sunday since many club members like to have a few events on this less-frantic day of the week. Contact Nathan Massie at 486-2935 for more information.

May 27, 28, 29. Our Memorial Day run. This year's destination is Moab. You need to reserve your room now. Look at the recent club email concerning the lodging arrangements. Contact Jon Hermance at 583-5846 for details.

June 24. British Field Day. This is our biggest event of the year. For 2006, both the event timing and the venue have changed. It 's later in the month than normal, and instead of Pioneer Park, the event will be held at Liberty Park. Bill Davis has all the details -- and don't forget, volunteers are needed to help set up and run the event.

July 4th weekend. Cache Valley Cruise-In. This is a big event, drawing folks from around the West. While it's mostly hotrod types that attend, Elisabeth Jaroch will look into the possibility of a Brit-car group (that 's us) joining in.

July 3-7? GoF West.

July 15. Trapper's Loop. A great run in the cool mountain air. Clayton Merchant.

August 26. Alpine Loop Run. The one that started it all. This is a major club event/fundraiser. Larry, Mary, and Suzanne Bishop will plan the run and gather raffle items. Don't forget this one. You may win some of the great prizes!

August 25-26. Concours d 'El egance?

September 4. Miner's Day Parade. A fun drive (downhill) on Park City 's Main Street. Floyd Inman.

September 16. State Street Cruise. An evening cruise from the Capital to Sandy, ending at Joe Chou's Dairy Queen. Paul Jaroch/Joe Chou

October 8. Fall Color Tour in Cache Valley. Elisabeth Jaroch.

October 19-22. Triumphest in Buellton, CA. See the BMCU website for links and details. You should register and reserve accommodations by September if you're going.

October 28. End of Season Dinner. This may be an opportunity for a visit to a British pub/restaurant. Jeff Porter.

November 11. Tech Session. Subject to be determined ...any ideas?

December. No event.

January 2007. Tech Session. Subject and date to be determined.

After we finished with the business needs of the club, our attention turned again to the remaining food and our individual car plans for the year: favorite drives, restoration projects, carb swaps, and the like. After the discussions died down, and with a quick cleanup of the hall, we headed out to our snow-dusted cars for the drive home.

Thanks to St. Paul's Church for use of their hall/kitchen facilities again this year.

Attending the event were: Mark and Karen Bradakis, Pugs and Diane Pivirotto, Michael Scoggins, Paul and Elizabeth Jaroch, Kevin and Marie Cowan, Mike and Becky Chambers, Louie Perez, Greg Johnson, Mitch and Diane Johnson, Larry and Margaret Farrington, Andrew Frink, Dennis Hoagland, John Perry, Susan and Jon Hermance, Dixie and Bob Jahnke, Bill Davis, Nathan Massie, Greg Smith, Jeff Porter, Bill and Robyn Rhinehart, Gary and Sandy Lindstrom.

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